10 Most Frequently Asked Questions

We are extremely fortunate to share what we do with several interested visitors from other businesses and organizations. As a part of that, we give thousands of tours each year and talk about how we do business and the purpose behind what we do. In doing so, our tour guides are often asked several questions on every tour. To give you a glimpse of what those questions are and potentially answer some of your questions, we threw together a list of our most frequently asked questions.

Are you a sports agency or workout facility?

Nope! We’re actually an eCommerce company who specializes in creating game-winning experiences for everyone we meet while selling baseball and softball bats and gloves on the side through JustBats.com and JustBallGloves.com!

Why do you only sell bats and gloves?

At one point, we sold everything under the sun sports related. Back when Pro Athlete first started as a brick and mortar store in the northern part of Kansas City, MO, equipment and gear for all sports could be found. After going completely online in 1999, we decided to stick with what we knew and were good at- baseball and softball. At that point, our niche in bats and gloves was created.

Do you have to play baseball or softball to work there?

Absolutely not! While we do have some employees who used to play (or still do in old man’s league), several of our employees have never played baseball or softball. It is great to have a wide array of employees with different backgrounds.

Why do you have so many Core Values?

With a total of twelve, a lot of people think we have too many Core Values. We, however, believe we have just the right amount. Our Core Values are the foundation for how we do everything, personally and professionally, at Pro Athlete. We stand behind and continuously live out all twelve. If you are ever interested in working here, review our core values and make sure that your personal values and beliefs align with those core values. If you agree, we might be the place for you!

How do employees get their work done with all of the fun stuff they are offered?

Many think our perks would be distracting to employees and disrupt their work. However, we chose to focus on results instead of the work. When, where or how our employees complete their tasks isn’t our top focus- we’re much more concerned with the quality and results of their work. Our employees are encouraged to get a massage, work out or take a nap as long as they’re producing results!

How do you measure if all of your perks are working?

One of the best ways we measure the influence of our perks and culture is through employee engagement. Seeing our employees engaged, hungry and proud to work at Pro Athlete is a key indicator that we’re doing something right.

How much do all of your perks cost?

We could definitely answer this question, but we actually just put out a blog post at the end of September answering this question in more detail. Check it out, “It Doesn’t Cost...It Pays

Can I just come to your office and buy a bat or glove?

While we love visitors at the office, our fulfillment specialists take great pride in getting our customers’ dream bats or gloves shipped to them as soon as possible. Plus, wouldn’t you rather just order a bat from your phone while watching the MLB playoffs instead?! We know we would! With a no hassle returns policy, all of this is possible!

Who are your biggest customers?

Our most popular customers are those playing youth to high school baseball and softball. We do outfit several high school and collegiate teams as well. In addition, we have a great relationship with several current and former Major League Baseball players, coaches, and GM’s who use us as their go to for their kids’ equipment. Our customers range from the early ages of tee ball all the way up to a few Minor League Baseball players.

How can I get a job there?

We are fortunate to have a very high retention rate so we don’t lose a ton of employees and therefore, don’t have a ton of job openings come available. However, we are always coming up with new ideas that require new skill sets to be added to the team. The best way to learn about those opportunities and stay connected to what is happening at Pro Athlete is to sign up for our Fan Club. Before wanting to work here, make sure our core values align with your core values. If there is a match, sign up for our Fan Club and really set yourself apart from the rest!

Have a different question for us? Leave it in the comments or send us an email at Contact@ProAthleteInc.com.

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