Pro Athlete Employees’ Dedication to Wellness Pays Off Again

We were fortunate to once again be recognized as the Healthiest Company in Kansas City by the KC Biz Journal for companies our size. It’s an amazing accomplishment and a true testament to our Core Value of Creating a Healthy Work Environment.


The point of this post isn’t to talk about the recognition of this award for our company. If you want to read more about that, you can check it out on the Biz Journal website.The point of this post is to recognize and thank the true people behind this award. That is our awesome employees!

When you attend the awards banquet for Healthiest Employers or read about it in the Biz Journal, it’s really great to hear about the cool things that companies are doing, but it’s even better to hear the success stories of the employees. The person who did biometric screenings at his company and found something that didn’t look quite right, and that in turn lead to saving his life. The person who was struggling with smoking and the company wellness program really helped push that person to quit the habit. Or how about the person who wanted to lose weight to feel better about themselves each day and the wellness program at her company gave her the opportunity to do that. That’s what it’s all about.

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